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How to Make a Woman to Fall in Love with You

How to Make a Woman to Fall in Love with You

If there's a woman you genuinely love and care about, you may be eager for her to reciprocate your feelings. While you can't make someone fall in love with you, there are some things you can do to improve your chances. By taking the time to show a woman you're a fun, compassionate person, you may be able to win her love.

Learn some chemistry. Don’t worry; there won’t be an exam. However, attraction is all about chemistry, and specifically, a group of chemicals called “monoamines.” These chemicals send messages between your brain and your body, and they’re the reason love can literally make your skin tingle or cause you to forget your name when you’re around the woman of your dreams.
  • Dopamine (where we get the word “dope”) is a “feel-good” neurotransmitter responsible for rewards and motivation, among other things. When you’re around a person you’re attracted to, dopamine is released into your brain, making you enjoy the time you spend together and want more of it.
  • Norepinephrine, sometimes known as noradrenaline (but not the same as adrenalin)is responsible for sending messages to your central nervous system. It helps decide what is most important to focus on at any given moment. When you lose track of time and end up spending 5 hours on a date with someone you’re into, norepinephrine has decided that the 
  • woman you love is more important than any of the other information around you.
  • Serotonin regulates a host of functions, including mood, sleep, body temperature, and sexual desire. When your skin starts to tingle around that special someone, it’s because serotonin has dropped your body temperature, making your skin slightly more conductive of electricity. Pretty magical stuff.
  • Humans may also emit pheromones like other animals do, although scientists aren’t exactly sure if they work the same way. You can’t consciously smell pheromones, but your body picks up on others’, deciding what it thinks is attractive and what isn’t.

Recognize that it isn’t all about you. Because so much is down to how chemicals interact in each person’s body, don’t take it personally if the woman you’re interested in doesn’t return your interest. It probably has nothing to do with you as a person. Studies show that your brain decides what’s attractive in as little as one second, and it’s not really within your control.
  • Research has even shown that taking hormonal contraceptives can change a woman’s “type” at certain points during the month. Biochemistry: it’s some wacky stuff.

Learn some love language. No, this type isn’t the sweet talk you might offer during a chat. This is about identifying the messages that body language gives off when we’re attracted to someone else. There are a few basic messages that your body language communicates when you are interested in someone:
  • I’m available
  • I’m approachable and open
  • I’m interested
  • I’m fertile

Check her body positioning. Imagine that you’ve run into the woman you’re interested in at the coffee shop. You don’t know whether she is interested in you. Examine how she’s holding her body for some clues.
  • “Open” body language includes relaxed, uncrossed arms and legs and looking upward from time to time. “Closed” body language includes crossed arms or legs, body tension, and keeping your focus on something like your phone.
  • The direction of her feet may also tell you something. If they’re pointed toward you, she is likely feeling into the interaction.
  • If she’s holding something between you, such as a purse or bookbag, this could be a sign she’s trying to signal distance. If she catches your eye, smiles, and moves the bookbag out of the chair across from her, it’s a good bet she’s signaling “I’m available.”
Make eye contact. The eyes are the windows to the soul. They’re also really good clues as to whether someone is interested in you or not. Eye contact communicates a bunch of messages, including some you might not be aware of.
  • Make eye contact with her, and maintain it for 4-5 seconds. Give her a smile. If she returns your gaze and smiles back, you may be in luck.
  • Eye contact while you’re talking with someone signals interest and engagement. If she’s looking at you about 70% of the time while you’re talking and about 50% of the time while she’s talking, it’s a good sign that she’s interested in the interaction. (You can signal your interest by following the same ratios.)
  • When we’re aroused (through stress, sexual desire, what have you) our pupils dilate. If her pupils look dilated, she may be excited to see you.
Flash her a winning smile. If she returns your smile, it could signal that she enjoys your interaction. However, some people also smile when they’re nervous or uncomfortable. Watch which muscles move when she smiles.
  • Genuine, or duchenne, smiles, use the muscles around the eyes as well as around the mouth. Fake smiles tend to only use the muscles around the mouth (although some people are very good at faking). If she isn’t smiling with her eyes, she may be feeling uncomfortable or trying to appease you.
Check out some biology. Humans experience certain physiological reactions when they’re attracted to someone else. While these aren’t universal, they can help clue you in about whether she’s just being polite or whether she’s as interested in you as you are in her.
  • Flushing or blushing. When we’re aroused, blood rushes to our cheeks. (This is one reason why some women wear blush.) People may also flush when they’re nervous or embarrassed, though, so don’t rely on this as your only cue.
  • Plumper, redder lips. That blood doesn’t only rush to our cheeks. It also goes to the lips, which can appear fuller and redder as they fill with blood. (Hence, why some women wear lipstick.) Licking the lips is also a good sign that the other person is attracted to you.
Part 1 Quiz
Which of the following is an example of an innocuous opener?
Give her a reason to notice you. Do something that will make her take notice of you. Don’t try to make yourself into something you aren’t, though. Being yourself (maybe the best possible version of you) is the best way to ensure that if she’s interested in you, she’s really interested in you, not somebody you’re trying to be to get yourself noticed.
  • Take care of yourself. Eat healthy, exercise, and dress in clothes that express something about you. You don’t have to be a fashion model or a superstar athlete, but keeping yourself neat, clean, and groomed will show off your physical health, which humans have evolved to find innately attractive.
  • Studies show that women value social traits, such as compassion and friendliness, as highly (or even more) than physical attractiveness. Do something that shows you care about other people. Volunteer at your local food bank, give 
  • blood, bail a friend out of a sticky situation, organize a charity auction. Show her that there's more to you than meets the eye. She'll be impressed that you give back and curious about what else you have to offer.
  • Show her your funny side. Research shows that both men and women rank a sense of humor as one of the most attractive qualities in a potential partner. Joke around, make others laugh -- just don’t belittle or use mean or bitter humor, because that’s a surefire way to kill the mood instantly. A little playfulness is also likely to benefit you.
  • Excel at something you're good at, preferably in her company. What do you do well? It could be anything from tennis, rock climbing, or football, to humor, math, or debate. Whatever it is, stand out for excellence in that area.
  • Signal with your own body language. Women tend to be better at interpreting body language than men are, which can be good for you if you know how to use it. Things like making your body a little bigger, squaring your shoulders when you stand, and playfully bumping or elbowing your guy friends if you’re all hanging out with her can help signal that you’re trying to get her attention.
  • Put yourself out there. Remember: fortune favors the brave. If you're stuck in your apartment constantly, you're probably not using your time in the best way. And if you don't hit a challenge at least some of the time, you might never see results.
Display self-confidence. Both women and men are drawn to confident people. However, cockiness is usually a turn-off, so make sure your confidence doesn’t take the leap into arrogance.
  • True self-confidence comes from within. It’s knowing who you are, accepting who you are, and being confident that you’re pretty great at being you. You don’t need validation from others to make you feel good about yourself. When you’re confident in yourself, you inspire that confidence in others.
  • Cockiness happens when you base your self-esteem on external sources, like compliments or achievements. It often comes from a place of insecurity. You may feel like you need to put others down to feel better about yourself, or like everything is a competition between you and the rest of the world.
  • It’s fine to accept compliments and praise, especially if you can acknowledge the roles others played in your success or achievement. For example, if you’re a star athlete, you probably still have a great team behind you. When you win the big game, accept praise for your good performance, but remember to extend that praise to your teammates, too. That type of behavior shows true self-confidence, not cockiness.


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