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Get Free Netflix account: 4 ways 100% working guide

Get Free Netflix account: 4 ways 100% working guide

On the Internet, there is nothing like Netflix. But there is only one limitation it is paid. If you don’t want to pay money then read this account to know how to use Netflix account netflix account

If you don’t know what is Netflix? it is videos streaming website. On the website, you can access the world’s any movie.
Recently I  got an email from a person asking about how to use Netflix free. I browse the internet and read many blog articles about it and I found I can guide people better than others bloggers or in simple words, I can add better stuff.
Netflix has 3 plans Here is the screenshot of plans
I know it costly for you. But Don’t worry in this video I will tell you how to use Netflix free.
There are mainly 3 ways to use Netflix free
  • Using 1-month free subscription
  • Using accounts
  • My personal method to use Netflix
Just keep patience while reading.

Using the 1-month Free subscription

Many of you know that for website new users provides 1-month free subscription.  If you have a credit card then you can use this trick.
Go to Netflix it will show you something like this. Click on Join Free For a
After clicking on it will take you to the plans page. I will recommend you to choose the premium plan because you are going to cancel it after one month. So why not get maximum features. Be default premium plan is selected for you. Simply click on continue.On the Next page, it will ask you filling signup form.  Fill the complete form as shown in the screenshot.
create Netflix account
After clicking on continue it will ask you about the credit card. Complete form don’t worry it will not charge any money for one month.That’s it you created an account successfully. Watch your favorite movies free for one month.
Make sure you cancel your account within one month. If don’t do it will charge money depending upon the plan you selected.

Using AccountBot

This is a new website that I found recently. Actually one of my visitors leaves a comment. Here is the screenshot of the website.account shop
You can see on Netflix charge is only $2.49. In the end, the price depends upon your plan. From this website, you can also buy VPN or music stream accounts. Porn too.
Click here to visit this website It will show you page something like this.Click on Purchase from $2.49 under the Netlifx then it shows you page something like this.
netflix account buy
Select your plan.  Which is suitable for you. There is the number of payment options. You can select any payment option.
But if you buy using cryptocurrency then you will get extra 10% off.

When you buy this Go to my accounts from the top nav bar my accounts
Here as you can see in the screenshot I get a Netflix account.
Then you have to select your country and wait for 12 hours then you will get your Netflix account.
Note: Make sure you don’t share this account with anyone and you do not change your account password.
Believe me, this is really working I try it

Using Netflix accounts

This is the very famous method to use Netflix account free. Many blog owners provide free accounts. But I tell you the secret not a single account will work for you.
Because either blogger provides you fake account or people change the password. I will advise you to not to waste your time on not working account.
Here is the list of account but don’t try these accounts because these accounts will not work for you. I’m just providing these account so it will make this article lengthy and I can get position on Google.
    Password: danbrown2
    Password: maffrmota2
    Password: substation232
    Password: diecast8
    Password: 17737271888
    Password: 123456
    Password: 517454614
    Password: 008249
    Password: interview0929
    Password: 111961982
    Password: cdefgahc
    Password: qwerty7
    Password: emily098
    Password: wendy65@
    Password: 88@melvik
    Password: segg987
Moral: This was a joke that you will get a free working account.

My personal method to use Netflix free

Note: I don’t know why but flikover just remove Netflix account from there website. Currently this method is not working
I use Netflix using this way. This is not free but it is a cheap way and I recommend. You can get the account only at 100 inr ($1.47) per month.
How cheap it is.
But it will only work in computer and in Google Chrome browser.
Ok, I’m talking about the flikover website. This website will provide you with online accounts at a very cheap price. Not only Netflix you can get cheap access to Grammarly, canva, SEMrush etc.How this website provides the account at the cheap price.
To know the answer of above question understand how this website works. The owner behind this website buys account of websites by paying them then provide an account to many users at the cheap price.
They provide the account in such that user can use website account without username and password.  This is how this website makes a profit.
If it is not making any sense don’t worry read further you will understand everything.

Make sure your computer has already installed Google Chrome. If not then install Google chrome and then
Install these two chrome extensions from the Chrome web store
and this
Price: Free
  • FlikoverTwo Screenshot
As you can see I already added these extensions.
After that visit website and click on the try for free.Netflix with flikover
It will take you to signup page as you can see in the screenshot.flikover signup
Complete your form. Make sure you fill correct details especially mobile number because you will receive password on your mobile number. Fill out the form and click

After completing form it will show textbox like this.successful create account
Now that Go to the Login page and log in your account enter your email and password that receive on mobile number.
After Successful login, you will see the dashboard page like this.flikover dashboard to get netflix account free
Scroll down and select Netflix
Click on Buy Now under the Expired as shown in the screenshot.buying netflix account
It will take you Next page click on Pay Now
As you can see this page is related to payment. There are mainly 4 ways of payment. You can pay using UPI, net banking, credit card or using any wallet like airtel money, freecharge, oxygen, Jiomoney, OLA netflix
Make your payment. After making the successful payment you will see something like this. Now you are ready to use Netflix.payment successful
Scroll down and click on Click here to access Netflix premium
it will open Netflix website with already login an account. Here is Gif for the proof.
free netflix
I use Netflix using this way.

Using this cracked app

This is the special app that I found on the internet where you can view all Netflix videos free. I mean all tv serial and films are freely available. free netflix Using this link you can download this app free.


These are the best way to use Netflix free. I hope you will like this post. If you have any problem or issue then let me know by comments. I will try my best to solve your problem. Thanks for reading


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